Please be advised that users will not have access to FFLeZCheck during the following maintenance windows: Saturdays from 4:00pm to Sunday at 6:00am and on the Saturday following the second Tuesday of the month, FFLeZCheck will not be available from Saturday 6:00pm to Sunday at 6:00pm.
There has been an error with your search request. If you continue having problems using the system, contact the ATF Help Desk.
The purpose of this program is to allow an FFL or other user to verify that a Federal Firearms License (FFL) is valid. The user needs only enter the first 3 digits and the last 5 digits of the FFL being verified in the blocks provided and select the SUBMIT button. Selecting the RESET button will clear previously entered data.
FFL eZ Check does not validate Type 03 (Collectors of Curios and Relics) and Type 06 (Manufacturer of Ammunition) licenses.
All attempts to check the validity of Type 03 and Type 06 licenses will result in an error message, even though the licenses may be valid. An FFL should not use this error message as reason to deny dealing with a Type 03 licensee.
A phone number will appear on the next screen to call for a verbal verification of Type 03s and Type 06s or for any other license type that does not appear after proper entry of the first three and last five digits.